Within New Zealand we have a great length of coastline in proportion to its size. A large percentage of our population live in these areas, so the subject of planting in coastal areas is important. Most people feel that there are very few plants that will thrive in their coastal garden, but there is a wide range of NZ native plants that will grow in coastal areas, including a few half-hardy plants which will thrive in the generally milder climates by the sea. The biggest problem in a coastal garden is providing shelter from the prevailing coastal breezes, behind which other plants will grow well. It is important to use plants that are most suitable for coastal planting; that can withstand the buffeting of strong sea breezes, the effects of salt-laden winds, and often very dry and nutrient deficient sandy soils. You may have to use temporary fencing to give shelter to the plants you have planted for shelter (see our ‘Planting A Hedge’ information sheet), until they are established. Also the addition of organic material to the sandy soils may help.
Choosing the right plants: This is crucial. Make sure you choose plants that are suitable for the coastal soil and conditions you have. Choosing the wrong plant can have devastating results but unfortunately it’s often the hardest part of growing in a coastal garden. You need to make sure that the plant you choose will grow where you want to plant it.
Soil Preparation: Prepare your soil using the addition of topsoil, compost and fertiliser, and mix them thoroughly into the sandy soil. Water well before and after planting. Water the soil well for a few days before planting. Add a general fertiliser to the soil before planting to give the plants a head start (see ‘Planting Trees & Shrubs’ sheet). Set up irrigation systems for your Plants at this stage if you plan to use one.
Planting: Make sure that having selected plants that are suitable for your coastal garden that you have conditioned your soil well and when planting the addition of products such as ‘Magic Moss’ under the root ball can retain extra moisture in the drier sandy coastal soils. Then water well.
Fertiliser: Apply a good layer of manure twice a year or alternatively apply general slow release fertiliser twice a year. (Fertilise early spring and mid summer)
Mulch: Plants love mulch, it helps reduce moisture loss, which is important in a coastal garden and it also keeps the weed levels down.
# needs moist site
Acaena caesiiglauca
Acaena microphylla
Aciphylla dieffenbachii
Anaphalis rupestris
Arthropodium cirratum
Arthropodium ‘Matapouri Bay’
Austrofestuca littoralis
Astelia chathamica
Astelia fragrans
Asplenium oblongifolium #
Brachyglottis greyii
Brachyglottis monroi
Brachyglottis ‘Leonard Cockayne’
Brachyglottis repanda
Brachyglottis repanda ‘Purpurea’
Brachyglottis rotundifolia
Calystegia soldanella
Carex comans
Carex comans ‘Frosted Curls’
Carex littorosa
Carex testacea
Carex trifida #
Chionochloa flavicans #
Coprosma acerosa
Coprosma ‘Black Cloud’
Coprosma brunnea
Coprosma ‘Flat Freddy’
Coprosma ‘Hawera’
Coprosma ‘Kirkii’
Coprosma lucida
Coprosma ‘Red Rocks’
Coprosma repens & cultivars
Coprosma robusta
Coprosma ‘Taiko’
Cordyline australis & cultivars
Corokia spp. & cultivars
Cortaderia richardii
Desmoshoenus spiralis
Disphyma australe
Dodonaea viscosa
Doodia media #
Entelea arborescens
Euphorbia glauca
Fuchsia procumbens
Geranium traversii
Griselinia littoralis & cultivars
Griselinia lucida
Hebe albicans
Hebe ‘Blue Gem’
Hebe chathamica
Hebe elliptica
Hebe ‘ Inspiration’
Hebe pinguafolia
Hebe pinguafolia ‘Sutherlandii’
Hebe recurva
Hebe ‘Red Edge’
Hebe speciosa
Hebe stricta
Hebe tairawhiti
Hebe ‘Waireka’
Leptospermum scoparium & cultivars #
Libertia cranwelliae
Libertia ixioides & cultivars
Libertia peregrinans
Linum monogynum
Leptocarpus similis #
Macropiper excelsum
Melicytus spp.
Mertya sinclairii
Metrosideros excels & cultivars
Muehlenbeckia astonii
Myoporum laetum
Myosotodium hotensia #
Myrsine australis
Olearia ‘Dartonii’
Olearia fragrantissima
Olearia macrodonta
Olearia paniculata
Olearia solandri
Olearia traversii
Ozothamnus spp.
Pachystegia spp.
Phormium spp. & cultivars
Pimelea prostrata
Pittosporum ‘Stephens Island’
Plagianthus divaricatus #
Podocarpus spp.
Polystichum richardii
Pseudopanax lessonii. & cultivars
Samolus repens #
Selliera radicans #
Sophora spp. & cultivars
Vitex lucens
Xeronema callistemon