Trees for Canterbury are pleased to announce our ‘Community Planting Events’ for the 2024 season. They are happening on the weekends from May until October. Listed are the dates & sites below, and we will start adding these events to our Facebook events page soon
Sunday May: Charlesworth Reserve. This event has been cancelled and will resume in 2026. This is so regular maintenance on previous plantings can be caught up on. We apologise for the inconvenience. | Map
Saturday 24th May: Barnett Park , enter off the end of Bayview Road 1 – 3pm | Map
Sunday 29th June: 8R Blakes Road, entrance from the end of Delamore Drive, this is held in conjunction with Styx Living Laboratory, 10 – 12/ Map
Sunday 6th July: Styx Mill Conservation Reserve. Meet at the main carpark area, 10.30 – 12.30 Map
Saturday 19th July: Halswell Quarry Park, 10 to 12, follow signs from the Kennedys Rd carpark to the top of the dog park area. | Map
Sunday 3rd August: Orton Bradley Park, 10 to 12, follow signs from the main entrance. | Map
Sunday 24th August: The Groynes, 10.30 to 12.30 follow the signs from car park 1| Map
Saturday 6th September: Horseshoe Lake Reserve, 10 to 12. Cnr of Horseshoe Lake Road and Lake Tce Road| Map
Saturday 18th October: Travis Wetland Reserve, 10-12. Car parking will be in the red zone; Travis Road to Atlantis Street and Chimera Crescent. Then a 5 minute walk to the site, marked in Blue. No Parking on New Brighton Road. | Map