Mass Tree Planing Charlesworth St

Trees for Canterbury are pleased to announce our ‘Community Planting Events’ for the 2024 season. They are happening on the weekends from May until October. Listed are the dates & sites below, and we will start adding these events to our Facebook events page soon

Sunday May: Charlesworth Reserve. This event has been cancelled and will resume in 2026.  This is so regular maintenance on previous plantings can be caught up on.  We apologise for the inconvenience. | Map

Saturday 24th May:  Barnett Park , enter off the end of Bayview Road 1 – 3pm | Map

Sunday 29th June: 8R Blakes Road, entrance from the end of Delamore Drive, this is held in conjunction with Styx Living Laboratory, 10 – 12/ Map

Sunday 6th July: Styx Mill Conservation Reserve. Meet at the main carpark area, 10.30 – 12.30 Map

Saturday 19th July: Halswell Quarry Park, 10 to 12, follow signs from the Kennedys Rd carpark to the top of the dog park area. | Map

Sunday 3rd August: Orton Bradley Park, 10 to 12, follow signs from the main entrance. | Map

Sunday 24th August: The Groynes, 10.30 to 12.30 follow the signs from car park 1| Map

Saturday 6th September: Horseshoe Lake Reserve, 10 to 12. Cnr of Horseshoe Lake Road and Lake Tce Road| Map

Saturday 18th October: Travis Wetland Reserve, 10-12. Car parking will be in the red zone;  Travis Road to  Atlantis Street and Chimera Crescent. Then a 5 minute walk to the site, marked in Blue.  No Parking on New Brighton Road. | Map